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Česká republika

provincie Ústecký kraj
Ústí nad Labem, 40339
Chlumec 228

Platební metody

Hotovost Platba kartou DKV

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Palivo Cena
A95 37,50 Kč/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 34,50 Kč/l
Бензин А98 A98 39,90 Kč/l
Diesel Premium 34,90 Kč/l

ceny aktualizovány na 14.05.2024г. 23:18

Otto Vitous
Google Places© на 17.01.2024

Cheap gas station near highway towards Dresden (from Prague) small detour must be taken, near border. There usually are lines, so it takes some time to get fuel...

stefan szabo
Google Places© на 10.11.2023

Cheapest fuel, but very busy most of the time. I fill up there regularly on most Mondays and Fridays. It can be a nightmare dough but worth it. Near by is a big truck park as well. I always try to plan my route to end the day there with a full tank, parked up and ready for the next day.

Jiri Orava
Google Places© на 23.07.2023

After 1 year, it still stands firmly as one of the dirtiest, most unpleasant and chaotic petrol stations in CZE! Dirty place, long waiting times. Not very good experience overall. I know this is not a general picture of an ONO petrol station, but the one in Chlumec is just bad, really bad.

Helena Reichlova
Google Places© на 04.04.2023

cheap petrol, basically always crowded (easily 15-30min waiting), very chaotic waiting line of cars and therefore not efficient use of the free stands.. maybe the personnel could help to navigate cars to empty slots? Or at least place a sign with suggested waiting lines (trucks/vans/cars..). The facilities (toilettes, coffee, food choice) are very low budget

Vojtěch Jasný
Google Places© на 15.07.2021

The worst place. You can easily wait for more half an hour to get your slightly cheaper gas - definitely not worth it. The whole place is a dump. It seems to attract the most price sensitive crowd, which seems to be mostly people transporting used cars from Germany to East Europe. A fair number make a stop here and then leave trash on the ground. Disgusting.

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